"I hated my job in sales"

 44 Year Old Ex Finance Advice If You HATE Your Job - YouTube

This time this line in the #youtube #shorts caught my attention. The person being interviewed is a fitness trainer and mentioned he hated his job in sales. He changed after he lost his mother.

He had a lot of regrets for not being able to give her time when she was alive.

And this hurts me too, because I could not give her time when she was alive. The last few moments, they were the best. She knew I LOVED her like I loved nobody.

Now I don't mean to digress from the topic. IN this video the man says "if you don't like your job, change it". Don't we all want to do it?

But, we can't adopt such a mindset when there are lives depending on you. A child who is still not independent. Has major life milestones and expenses in front of him.

That aside, people slog at a job, due to the consistency and timeliness of the pay.

Ailing parents or siblings.

Not having enough skills or resources to get reskilled - the list goes on. I wish someone reads my blog someday and gives a more realistic, practical, logical an yet an attainable change technique.

#lifeskills #lifechnages #lifechanging #jobs #salesjobs #fitness #fitnesstrainer
